1. International Private Investors

International Private Investors

International Private Investors are widely different, and, arguably the hardest to locate because of their private characteristics. This category of investor comes in the form of High Net Worth Individuals, Private Families, Private Investment Funds, Privately Held Companies, etc. Private investors – wealthy individuals looking for a profitable return in a viable business venture, also known as business angels or angel investors – will also offer networking opportunities and business connections or sometimes take on a management role in their invested company.

Private Investors are willing to take risks on developing companies that many financial institutions are not. Private investment funds are also often received quicker than funding from venture capitalists – an individual, firm or pool of individuals who invest large sums of money in already-established businesses – because less due diligence is involved. In turn, private investors are usually more patient about receiving a return on their investment than venture capitalists or large firms.

BLUEWATER HOLDINGS GROUP, LLC has strong relationships with foreign private investors.

For more information, please contact us at Info@BluewaterHoldingsLLC.com

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