Waste to Energy
Our company focuses on research and development of environmental projects, in the treatment and final disposal of Municipal Solid Waste with the ability to eliminate, through automated total recycling (aluminum, steel, plastic, cardboard, glass, etc.) and with the application of the gasification of the remaining organic waste, transforming them into clean energy.
Traditional landfills effectively use about 90% of their available area for the disposal of waste. The remaining area should house the recovery and treatment basins of slurry, street, access, offices and area for supply of loan material, which covers each layer of garbage deposited in the landfill. In addition, it is necessary to observe the reserve of 20% of the available area, for the preservation of the natural essences regulated by Law 4771/65, complemented by Law 8171 of 17/01/91. Our current economic model is dominated by a linear approach to consumption and production.

Linear economy model with the existence of landfill.
The company has innovated from this linearity by implementing a circular economy model through the energy recovery of tailings, thus avoiding the sending of materials for final disposal in landfill.
We understand that the circular economy consists in rethinking how to design, produce and market products to ensure the use and intelligent recovery of natural resources. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defines it as “an economic system that uses a systemic approach to maintain the circular flow of resources, through the addition, retention and regeneration of its value, contributing to sustainable development.”1 Waste-to-Energy (WTE) technologies that are used to reduce the volume and dangerousness of municipal waste play an important role in the recovery and procurement of consumer products, as well as in the use of heat or energy that they can generate.
Thermodegradation technology developed by AMEC performs thermochemical conversion of carbonaceous raw material in the absence of oxygen to produce biofuel (biooil, coal and syn-gas). Thus, we contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (methane gas) and the energy recovery of a waste that until today was discarded as unusable.
Circular economy model
The main objective in the implementation of the Thermodegradation Plant is to maximize the sustainability of renewable resources, with the responsibility of transforming waste into a “commodity” valued using proven technologies, to make the environment better for those who live there.
- There are several aspects of the environmental and social character of the project, which are attended at the time of its implementation, and we can highlight some:
- Immediate elimination of 100% of garbage collected daily without the need for its storage, avoiding the use of controlled landfills and sanitary.
- Prevents the formation of slurry (liquid residue from the organic decomposition of garbage), a high toxicity contaminating agent of groundwater and free aquifer springs;
- Eliminates the need for investments in landfills, which in addition to the high costs of implementation/operation, do not meet current environmental legislation or the Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty to which our country is a signatory;
- Eliminates the formation of toxic gases from the aerobic decomposition of the organic material contained in the USU and that destructively attacks the protective layer of ozone in the atmosphere;
- It allows the effective and total recycling of all material present in the garbage in a simple and efficient way, when compared to the current recycling processes, which are low efficiency and that practically do not reach the bagged material that is now thrown into landfills;
- It allows the creation of direct jobs for the occupation of idle labor with low capacity of the municipality, in addition to moving the local economy significantly by creating support activities that complement the treatment cycle of the U.R. and that end up benefiting the local community as a whole;
- Considerably eliminates the number of contamination vectors of various infectious diseases (conjunctivitis, some types of flu, and all endemic diseases propagated by air). around the existing landfill or dump and also the odors caused by the decomposition of organic waste from the MSW;
- In short, it definitively eliminates the problem of storing and burying garbage, avoiding the unaccounted costs of the environmental liability that will be passed on to the next generations, ridding the city of the dumps and their harmful results, attracting investments, increasing the supply of employment to the city and raising the HDI indexes of the municipality;
- The municipalities that submit projects aimed at environmental preservation, through the CDM, will receive from their respective states, a tax benefit in the order of 8% of the ICMS for municipal revenue, which was called ECOLOGICAL ICMS.